Electrodynamic properties of small sphrerical particles near flat surface

  • D. L. Vodopianov Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • V. V. Gozhenko Национальный авиационный университет
  • Yu. S. Goncharuk Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • L. G. Grechko Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • N. G. Shkoda Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України


The problem on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with an ensemble of small particles near to flat surfaces (surfaces of solids, interfaces, surfaces of biological membranes, etc.) is solved. The case of a small particle over a surface is examined in detail. The po-larizability of a particle in an external electric field with accounting multipole interactions with the surface is calculated. The frequency spectrum of superficial excitations in the particle is analyzed with account of dipole interactions with the surface. The results are obtained within an electrostatic approximation.


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Як цитувати
Vodopianov, D. L., Gozhenko, V. V., Goncharuk, Y. S., Grechko, L. G., & Shkoda, N. G. (2006). Electrodynamic properties of small sphrerical particles near flat surface. Поверхня, (11-12), 53-61. вилучено із http://surfacezbir.com.ua/index.php/surface/article/view/178
Моделювання процесів на поверхні