Band effect in vibrational dephasing of adatoms bound to surface by central forces

  • V. M. Rozenbaum Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • S. H. Lin Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica


The effect of lateral interactions of adatoms on the spectral line of their local vibrations is analyzed in terms of a simple model which includes only central forces binding adatoms to a surface, so that in a case free of lateral interactions the contribution from the surface- longitudinal vibrational mode to the dephasing process should vanish (K. Burke, D. C. Langreth, M. Persson, Z.-Y. Zhang, Phys. Rev. B 47 (1993) 15869). The lateral interactions are shown to cause the spectral line shift and broadening which are proportional to the cubed and the squared ratio of the band width for collectivized local vibrations to the resonance width for the longitudinal mode; as a result, band effect causes a notable contribution, provided this ratio is of order of unity.


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Як цитувати
Rozenbaum, V. M., & Lin, S. H. (2001). Band effect in vibrational dephasing of adatoms bound to surface by central forces. Поверхня, (4-6), 212-216. вилучено із