Luminescent characterization of eu-doped lattices

  • M. Ignatovych Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • A. Kelemen Institute for Isotope and Surface Chemistry
  • A. Peto Institute for Isotope and Surface Chemistry
  • V. Ogenko Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • O. Chuiko Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України


In the present paper a comparative spectral study - steady state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PhL) and radioluminescence (RL) - of Eu-doped phosphors in different host lattices: BaFCl, Sr3(PO4)2, Y2O2S, Y2O3 is reported. Steady state and time-resoived (induced by X-ray tube, N2-Iaser and high-energy accelerated electrons respectively) PhL and RL measurements were performed. Bright monoband and fine-structure line emissions in the blue-green and orange-red region were recorded in PhL and RL for all phosphors.

The spectroscopic investigation permits ode to deduce the following conclusions:

  • The spectral patterns, decay curves and life-times observed in both PhL and RL are basically the same for all phosphors. On these observations it was assumed that similar luminescent species are involved in the both PhL and RL processes namely: mono-species Eu2+ and Eu3+ and their clusters.
  • Strong host-lattice influence on the status of Eu in the samples under consideration reflected in the spectral pattern, life-time and quantum efficiency was revealed.


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Як цитувати
Ignatovych, M., Kelemen, A., Peto, A., Ogenko, V., & Chuiko, O. (2001). Luminescent characterization of eu-doped lattices. Поверхня, (4-6), 230-236. вилучено із