Role of surface microstructure in forming the interaction potential between vacuum space near separated non-identical dielectric (semiconductor) nanoparticles

  • L. G. Ilchenko Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • V. V. Lobanov Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • A. A. Chuiko Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України


<p>The structural component <em>&Delta;V<sub>st</sub>(r)&nbsp;</em>&nbsp;of the interaction potential&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>V(r)&nbsp;</em>&nbsp;in a vacuum inter-val dividing two dielectric (semiconductor) nanoparticles determined by the microscopic (atomic) structure of their surfaces is calculated theoretically.</p>

<p>Within the framework of local and nonlocal electrostatics for an asymmetrical system is shown that for the narrow dividing distances L~3-20 &Aring; the superposition of the modulated part of the potential <em>&Delta;V<sub>st</sub>(r)&nbsp;</em>&nbsp;from both surfaces promotes originating of the regions of the considerable increase (decrease) of the total potential barrier height within all the dividing interval.</p>


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Як цитувати
Ilchenko, L. G., Lobanov, V. V., & Chuiko, A. A. (2006). Role of surface microstructure in forming the interaction potential between vacuum space near separated non-identical dielectric (semiconductor) nanoparticles. Поверхня, (11-12), 4-19. вилучено із
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