Adsorption of bioactive molecules of medicinal plants

  • V. K. Pogorelyi Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • V. N. Barvinchenko Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • N. A. Lipkovska Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • V. V. Turov Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • A. A. Chuiko Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України


The adsorption of some herbal bioactive polyphenolics (anthraquinones, flavons) from solutions of different polarity onto a surface of highly dispersed silica (entherosorbent Silics) is studied. It is found that the structure of adsorption complexes and the mechanism of their formation depend essentially on the solvent nature. Preliminary clinical researches have shown high medecinal activity of Phytosil composites regarding children’s herpes stomatitis. The effectiveness of Phytosil composite corresponds to the level of thymic immunostimulators, but its application makes the process of treatment simpler and cheaper.


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Як цитувати
Pogorelyi, V. K., Barvinchenko, V. N., Lipkovska, N. A., Turov, V. V., & Chuiko, A. A. (2001). Adsorption of bioactive molecules of medicinal plants. Поверхня, (4-6), 301-309. вилучено із