Modification of surface of finely dispersed magnetic powders with the purpose to create medical materials

  • O. M. Fedorenko Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • N. I. Shklovskaya Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • G. T. Kurbatova Інститут хімії поверхні НАН України
  • S. T. Sokhov Stavropol State Medical Academy
  • I. A. Verholomova Stavropol State Medical Academy


Processes of production of cross-linked polyacrylamide and dextran coating on the FDIP - (finely disperse iron powders) surface have been studied with the use of complex of physical and chemical methods of IR-, XPE-spectroscopy and X-ray phase analysis. While forming a polyacrylamide layer on the FDIP surface in photopolymerisation reaction, a process occurs concurrently which leads to ion-radical forms of oxygen adsorption on magnetic particles, that is manifested in IR spectrum by an intense doublet of bands is 1080 and 1120 cm-1, as well as a transfer of proton of hydroxyl groups of the FDIP surface to a nitrogen atom of polyacrylamide, that is due to appearance of the component 401.0 eV in XPE spectrs of N1s-photoelectrons, corresponding to a NH+ group. During production of the coating of cross-linked dextran on the FDIP surface it was found a formation of complex between ions of iron locating on an outer surface of the stabilizing coating having oxygen-containing groups of the dextran coating, that is supported by a shift of absorption bands of oxygen-containing groups into a long-wave number region, as well as emergence of two new components with bond energies of 709.2 and 712.2 eV in XPE spectruum of Fe2p-photoelectrons.

Directed delivery and distribution of anaesthetics (novocaine, lidocaine, trimecaine) immobilized on FDIP under the influence of an external magnetic field in body tissues of test animals have been studied. The data of emission spectral analysis relating to concentration of iron in soft and bone tissues of animals influenced by constant and alternating magnetic field on the front and rear sides over a period from 0 to 180 min are given.


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Як цитувати
Fedorenko, O. M., Shklovskaya, N. I., Kurbatova, G. T., Sokhov, S. T., & Verholomova, I. A. (2001). Modification of surface of finely dispersed magnetic powders with the purpose to create medical materials. Поверхня, (4-6), 376-392. вилучено із