Quantum chemical simulation of the interaction between silica surface and sulfuric acid

  • A. A. Kravchenko Інститут хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка Національної академії наук України
  • A. G. Grebenyuk Інститут хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка Національної академії наук України
  • V. V. Lobanov Інститут хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка Національної академії наук України


The equilibrium spatial structures and formation energies have been calculated for sulfuric acid complexes on silica surface by means of ab initio Hartree-Fock-Roothaan method with use of extended basis set 6-31G**. The interaction has been examined between orthosilicic acid and sulfuric acid molecules accompanied by three water molecules. The energy effects have been calculated for destruction of disulfuric acid molecules due to the interaction with orthosilicic acid molecules as well for siloxane bond cleavage of a disilicic acid molecule due to interaction with a disulfuric acid molecule


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Як цитувати
Kravchenko, A. A., Grebenyuk, A. G., & Lobanov, V. V. (2007). Quantum chemical simulation of the interaction between silica surface and sulfuric acid. Поверхня, (13), 13-17. вилучено із http://surfacezbir.com.ua/index.php/surface/article/view/204
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