Transfer of electromagnetic irradiation in aerosol-disperse media

  • L. G. Grechko Інститут хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка Національної академії наук України
  • E. Yu. Grischuk Інститут хімії поверхні ім. О.О. Чуйка Національної академії наук України
  • A. M. Zavalov Інститут фізики Національної академії наук України


Using transfer equations for irradiation, a numerical calculation has been made in the work on specific intensity of reflected light (W·m-2·sr-1) from plane-parallel semi-infinite aerosol-disperse media (ADM). In case given, a value was found of spherical albedo and it was shown to depend significantly on the imaginary part of refraction index for ADM particles and on the wavelength of electromagnetic irradiation (EMI): the system albedo increases when the imaginary part of refraction index of diffusers decreases and the EMI wavelength increases. As it is follows from the calculations, when the imaginary part of refraction become one quarter of initial one, the albedo becames 1.945 times as much (for λ = 0.4 mcm). When calculating, media particle size was fixed to 0.6 mcm and wavelength varied from 0.4 to 0.7 mcm. The theoretical methods developed here and related program can find a wide use for investigations of radiation balance of the Earth atmosphere and for its sounding.


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Як цитувати
Grechko, L. G., Grischuk, E. Y., & Zavalov, A. M. (2008). Transfer of electromagnetic irradiation in aerosol-disperse media. Поверхня, (14), 108-114. вилучено із
Теорія хімічної будови і реакційної здатності поверхні.